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How to Clean microwave

If your microwave is looking a little dirty, don’t worry! Here are some simple steps to clean it.

How to clean a microwave oven in less than five minutes, without the need to scrub?

We all know that feeling when we open the microwave and are greeted by last night’s dinner or something worse. But cleaning your microwave doesn’t have to be a daunting task. You can easily achieve this in just a few minutes and with minimal effort. Here’s how:

1) Start by removing food residue from the microwave surface with a damp paper towel or sponge. Wipe the inside of the door as well.

2) Mix equal parts water and vinegar in a bowl or measuring cup. Place this mixture in the microwave and heat on high for two minutes. The steam generated will help loosen any dried stains or food splatter.

3) After two minutes, carefully remove the bowl (using oven mitts) and discard the contents. Wipe the inside of the microwave with a clean cloth or paper towel to remove any remaining dirt or grime. And that’s that! Your microwave is now clean and ready to use.

What you will need

1) Clean cloth
2) Vinegar
3) Water

4) Bicarbonate of soda

Assuming you want a step-by-step guide on how to clean a microwave using vinegar, water, and baking soda:

  • start by turning off the device or removing it from the power source
  • mix 1/4 cup water and 1/4 cup vinegar in a bowl
  • place the container in the microwave
  • heat the mixture on high for about 5 minutes
  • carefully remove the container with oven mitts and wipe the inside of the microwave with a clean cloth dipped in the mixture – get rid of any dirt or food stains
  • when you’re happy with how clean it looks, rinse out the container you used, this time filling it with just water
  • place back in the microwave and heat for another 5 minutes
  • remove the pan (again, be careful) and use the same clean cloth to wipe away any residue from before – the steam should help loosen anything stuck
  • give your device one last look to make sure everything is perfect!

1: Remove the Microwave Plate

The first step in cleaning a microwave oven is to remove the plate. Be careful when doing this, as the plate may boil. If it is too hot to touch, remove it with tongs. After removing the plate, place it in a safe place where it can cool.

Step Two: Clean the inside of the microwave (see these keywords: how to clean a microwave):

The next step is to clean the inside of the microwave oven. You can do this by wiping it with a damp cloth or sponge. If there are stubborn stains, you can try using a mild kitchen cleaner or white vinegar. After you’ve wiped the inside of the microwave, don’t forget to wipe it down with a clean towel.

Step Three: Replace the microwave plate (follow these keywords: how to clean a microwave oven):

Once the inside of the microwave is clean, you can replace the plate. Be careful when doing this, as the plate may boil. If it is too hot to touch, replace it with tongs. Once the plate is back in place, your microwave should be as good as new!

2: Clean the microwave plate

Assuming you have a microwave with a removable plate, the best way to clean it is to remove it and wash it in warm, soapy water. If there are stubborn stains, you can try scrubbing them with a sponge or a little vinegar. Once the plate is clean, rinse and dry it before placing it back in the microwave.

If your microwave oven does not have a removable plate, you can clean it by wiping it with a wet cloth or sponge. Don’t forget to get into all the nooks and crannies and don’t forget to wipe the doors too! You can also use a little vinegar or lemon juice on a cloth to help cut through any greasy residue.

3: Clean the inside of the microwave oven

Assuming you know how to take a microwave apart, it’s time to clean the inside. First, remove any food or grease residue with a damp paper towel. If the stains are stuck, gently rub them with a sponge or a plastic putty knife. Next, fill a bowl with 1 cup water and 1/2 cup vinegar.

Place the bowl in the microwave and heat it on high for 5 minutes. The steam will help loosen any clinging dirt and grime. After 5 minutes, carefully remove the bowl (it will be hot!) and wipe the inner walls with a sponge or paper towel.

Finally, rinse the interior with a damp cloth and dry it thoroughly before putting everything back together.

4: Clean the outside of the microwave

Assuming you don’t have a self-cleaning microwave (in which case you’re in luck!), cleaning the exterior of your microwave is essential to prevent food splatters and spills from becoming hard to remove. The good news is that it’s easy to do!

First, start by unplugging the microwave or turning it off at the switch box. This is a safety measure, as we don’t want anyone accidentally turning on the microwave while cleaning

Then take a damp cloth and wipe the outside of the device. Make sure you get into all the nooks and crannies, as well as around the buttons on the front panel. If you have stubborn stains, you can use a mild abrasive cleaner such as Bon Ami or Bar Keepers Friend. Just make sure you rinse well afterwards to avoid any residue.

Once the exterior is clean, proceed to cleaning the door seal. That’s where the most dirt and grime accumulates, so it’s imperative that you scrub it well. Again use a damp cloth for this – nothing special required. If dirt accumulates on the gasket, you can try to gently scrub it with a toothbrush or soft brush.

Your microwave oven can become one of the dirtiest appliances in your kitchen if you don’t clean it regularly. Here are some more tips on how to clean your microwave quickly and easily:

1) First, remove any food or grease from the microwave surface with a damp cloth. If there are stubborn stains, they can be removed with a mild soap or cleaning solution.

2) Mix equal parts of water and vinegar in a bowl. This natural cleaning solution will help break down any grease or grime that may have built up in the microwave.

3) Place the bowl of water and vinegar in the microwave and turn it on for 3-5 minutes. The steam generated during this process will help loosen dirt that has stuck to the walls or ceiling of the unit.

4) After the allotted time, carefully remove the bowl from the microwave (it will be hot!) and wipe all surfaces with a clean cloth or sponge. Be sure to get into all the nooks and crannies to make sure everything is sparkling clean!

5) Finally, rinse the inside of the microwave with clean water to remove any remaining vinegar smell. Allow to air dry completely before using again

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